Education is changing, and the traditional model of schooling isn't working for everyone. In fact, there are many students who are more excited about learning when they can take classes at their own pace. As a result, some high schoolers are choosing online schools over traditional schools because they see it as an opportunity to learn something new--or even get ahead!
Traditional schools use a lecture-based model of teaching in which the teacher lectures and the students listen, take notes and memorize information for tests. This is not only very inefficient but also does not work for all students.
Online learning has resulted in higher graduation rates among those who choose it as an option compared with traditional high schools, according to data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). The NCES found that only 64% of non-virtual public school students graduated within four years compared with 76% of virtual public school graduates during the same period from 2008–09 through 2015–16.

Some students learn better through narration, others through observation and some through hands-on experience. With online schools, each student can pick their own pace of learning according to what works best for them individually. There are also many online courses that cater to different learning styles such as auditory or visual learners, allowing everyone to find success in school no matter their preferred method of instruction.
Online schooling also gives kids more control over their learning experience in other ways too: They can pick up where they left off if something interrupts their studies (like an illness), and choose what subjects are most interesting to them rather than feeling stuck learning things.
Teachers can use technology to engage students without having them sit in front of desks all day long listening to lectures and taking notes on what's going on around them. Instead, the student is experiencing the material firsthand with activities that are both engaging and relevant.
An increasingly popular approach to learning is project-based learning. This method involves students actively participating in creating their own knowledge by completing real-world projects, rather than simply listening passively to someone else tell them what they need to know about it.
Project-based learning offers a number of benefits for both teachers and students:
It allows for a more hands-on approach to education, which better serves students' needs as learners.
It encourages active participation and creativity on the part of students—they can use projects as platforms for demonstrating mastery over core concepts taught throughout the year while also allowing them the freedom to explore how those concepts apply in different contexts within society (for example, by applying them through real world scenarios).
Teachers find project-based learning easier to implement because they no longer need spend hours coming up with new materials but instead can direct their focus towards planning lessons based around student interest or expertise in an area where they want help developing further knowledge or skillset

Online learning has become more popular over the last few years because of its convenience and flexibility when compared with traditional classrooms. Traditional schools are expensive and often inaccessible because they lack flexibility in scheduling classes, require long commutes from home; some students with disabilities cannot physically attend school due to distance or disability barriers; other reasons include family obligations or childcare responsibilities during typical working hours when most schools operate during normal business hours.
Online school offers students the opportunity to learn whenever and wherever they want. Online schools also allow students to take advanced classes that would not be offered at their neighborhood school.
The rise of online learning is not just an option but a necessity in today's society where our lives are more connected than ever before. It allows students to learn at their own pace, and it helps them focus on what they want to learn.